
The Fat Get No Food

If the state of Mississippi gets its way and the law passes, HB 282, then it will be illegal to sell certain foods to overweight people. That is RIGHT! you heard me! It will be illegal to sell certain foods to fat people.

This is the lamest and the most worthless piece of legislative work I have ever read. At what point does the government draw the line at interfering in a persons life? This is trying to legislate good eating habits? Where is that written that this is the government's job? Where does it say they have the right to interfere?

Personally, I think that this is a prejudice against overweight people. For some reason these idiots do not like seeing these people in public. This is NOT a legislative subject and should be handled differently. I suggest the people of Mississippi pay attention, for if this passes what will be their next control they will want to have.

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