
Could Mississippi Have An Influence?

Mitt is out of the Repub race! McCain is most the nominee. What about huckabee/ i have heard that he is staying in the race to boost his influence. will he be the VEEP? No, he will not, but he will be rewarded for coming in second, somehow. How about Mitt? No, he will be seen as the future. He removed himself from the running to save his political reputation. He will be the hands on odds favorite in the next election cycle for president.

Ok then who would McCain pick as his running mate. How about Lieberman? No, he is a proven election loser and will not be considered. Ok, hoiw about Bloomberg? I do not see mike bloomberg settling for second banana; his ego would not allow it. Then who Professor? lots of speculation have been flying around the blogsphere. Hagel, is probably the most frequently mentioned in the list that contains the names mentioned above.

OK, what does this all have to do with Mississippi? A good question. Well I want to offer a suggestion for McCain to consider for his choice of VP. Why not Haley Barbour? The governor has a massive list of qualifications. He is a staunch conservative, something McCain needs to get their support. He is the former head of the GOP, it would give McCain a boost among conservs. He is a high priced lobbyist, access to the monied few. He is the hero of Katrina (IMO, not deserved) which would boost McCain's standing with the Gulf Coast. And he is a Southern, that will be a big plus in the coming election, to help McCain secure that evangelical vote.

So Barbour, IMO, is the best choice for the position of VP for John McCain, his qualifications are immense.

But there is one more reason that I think he would be perfect as a VP. It would get him out of the state. I know Barbour, I met him years ago when he was running for the US Congress. I am not one of his fans and to get him out of the state would be a favor to me and i would appreciate it hugely. Mississippi needs new leadership. The good old boys tactics of the past are just that the past. Mississippi needs to move into the 21st century.

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