
Mississippi's Moron-Ocracy

Part 0ne--The Good

Years ago I wrote an editorial for a now defunct weekly called the Gulfport Star-Journal, about the Mississippi Legislature and I thought it was a good time to resurrect that thought.

This will be a 3 part post entitled The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

The Mississippi Legislature had a few really good bills, at least in my opinion.

HB8--would outlaw driving while using a cell phone

HR31--Funds for a museum for Sam Cooke

HB57--Restrict lobbying until 4 yrs after leaving the government service

HB216--create a civil rights division within the Attorney General's office

HB453--Compulsory education law

HB543--create an open primary for the state of MS

HB684--create curbside voting for the handicapped

HB1151--create a paper voting trail

HB1496--repeal sale tax on hurricane supplies

These are bills that I thought showed that Mississippi was at least becoming more concerned with the affairs of the people. Most of these failed, but at least these were tried and a possibility that they could be successful next session.

But the biggest disappointment was the failure of HR 13--the Worker's Bill Of Rights, for once Mississippi was showing concern for the workers, but unfortunately it died in committee. And HB9 was another workers defeat, it would have made 28 April, the Worker's Memorial Day, which would have brought attention to workers safety and those who have died.

These were great ideas and excellent tries---BETTER LUCK NEXT SESSION!

Next post will be The Bad. This will be the bills and such that were not so good

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