
Casinos For Jackson County

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am not a supporter of the Coast casinos. Not on any of the normal reason cited, but rather that not enough is done to make these corporations pay for the privilege of operating in the state. So I agree somewhat with the sentiment of this Coast mayor.

Senate Bill 2199 gives tax breaks to casinos, but also restricts casinos to those counties in which gaming currently exists.

"Permitting only select communities to prosper from casinos lends favor to those communities creating an environment of haves and have-nots," Moss Point Mayor Xavier Bishop wrote in a letter to Gov. Haley Barbour on Thursday. "Imagine the state legislating which communities could have Wal-Marts?"

It should ALWAYS be up to the people to decide if they want the casinos or not. Any legislation contrary to that is not truly democratic. But will the Governor do the right thing? How much money will be involved?


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