
Mississippi & Immigration

Seems that the Gov of Mississippi, Haley Barbour, has a new plan for the control of the flow of illegal aliens. His plan if implemented, would penalize businesses with loss of the licenses for one year if they are found to employ illegal aliens. Those businesses that hold government contracts will ;lose their license for three years.

Here is the really good part. Any illegal alien arrested in Mississippi will serve a sentence of one year. Really good! There is massive overcrowding in the penal system in the state, where does pee brain think they will be housed?

This is typical of Republicans, they have ideas but no way to put them into action. all this does is make Barbour look like he is doing something about the illegal alien problem, when in reality he is just creating even more problems for the penal system of Mississippi. Kinda like trying to put a hand held cork into a broken levee.

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