SunHerald.com : Barbour appoints Guice
Is he the best person for the job or is it a payback for something?
MS: Hospitals May Close
he cuts also would affect home health care agencies, pharmacists, dentists and others, according to documents filed by Gov. Haley Barbour, a Republican who oversees the program that serves nearly 600,000 Mississippians.
A threat? Most probably.
Findings on Katrina Trailers Went Undisclosed, Maker Says - washingtonpost.com
FEMA knew of the high levels and the company figured that the findings were not important.
Democrats predicting November win
This is pretty good prediction. McCain and his staff are running one of the strangest campaigns I can remember and I can remember many. The economy is crapping on many voters and McCain seems to focus on lame proposals and national security. I would guess that that is a losing combination at best.
FEMA Denies Asssistence
“By law, we cannot duplicate what insurance already covers or pay for deductibles,” said Michael L. Parker, FEMA’s federal coordinating officer in a statement. “But in some cases, if insurance did not cover all your losses, we may be able to help. Residents who need help making ends meet can visit the FEMA/State Disaster Recovery Center at Willie Morris Library on Old Canton Road to discuss insurance claims and advice after getting their insurance settlement papers.
FEMA will cover hotel costs while homes are uninhabitable or inaccessible if insured victims’ policies do not cover temporary living. Other items such as septic tanks and wells, not usually covered by insurance companies, may be covered by FEMA.
MEMA director Mike Womack believes that they should try to talk with FEMA workers about help. “Even if you have insurance coverage, don’t wait for a settlement before registering with FEMA,” he said. “If you wait for your insurer to act, it may be too late to register for federal assistance. The filing deadline is July 27.”
SunHerald.com : Handsboro school site will get marker
About time they started recognizing the various parts of Gulfport. There has always been more to the Gulfport area other than the darn port.
Gulfport Library May Be Saved
The permit committee for the state Department of Archives and History agreed Wednesday to consider designating the building a Mississippi Landmark because of its architectural significance, the role the building has played in the community and public sentiment.
If the library, built in 1965 in the New Formalism style of architecture, is made a landmark, it can't be torn down without permission from the department's board.
"The building is an example of a style of architecture not widely found in the city of Gulfport, the surrounding community or even in the state of Mississippi," said Bill Gatlin, architectural historian for Archives and History. "It's an iconic building for the people who grew up in Gulfport."
But several Harrison County supervisors said Thursday they will not use public money to repair or insure that building, no matter what its designation. Even if the library is made a landmark, the county isn't obligated to repair the building.
"The board doesn't have a burning desire to tear down that building," Supervisor Kim Savant said. Savant represents District 2, which includes the library. "But what we have said is that we will not put taxpayer dollars into the building."
Print their names and let the people decide if they keep their jobs.....they are crapping on a piece of history....time for them to go!
Wicker Runs Scared
Interim Republican Sen. Roger Wicker's campaign said Tuesday he has declined an invitation to debate his opponent, former Democratic Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, at the Neshoba County Fair later this summer.
Wicker campaign spokesman Ryan Annison said Tuesday the campaign had initially told fair officials they were interested and hoped a debate would work out. But as the date approaches, Wicker's staff learned it would conflict with his Senate schedule. The debate was to be held July 31, the last week before a Senate recess, when Wicker expects important votes.
"We welcome debates," Annison said. " But Sen. Wicker takes his job as a senator very seriously and doesn't want the taxpayers to be shortchanged with his salary."
The move drew a quick backlash from the Musgrove campaign. Tim Phillips, Musgrove's campaign manager, said it would be just as easy for a vote to come up on the day Wicker is to speak at the fair.
The Neshoba County Fair, held each year near Philadelphia, is known as "Mississippi's Giant Houseparty." It runs from July 25 to Aug. 1, and 28 politicians are expected to speak.
Z Magazine - Mississippi’s SB 2988
Mississippi is at the lower end of almost every thing, but they try....sarcasm intended.
SunHerald.com : Gulfport job outlook 8th-best in nation
This is good news to the local economy, but the down side is that MS is a right to work state and NO one will become wealthy working for the low wages of MS.
SunHerald.com : Teachers brush up on economics
Sorry guys but I see this as another one of the mind numbing things that will give only the bright and the best. Will not cover the poverty, homelessness and such. It will be a distorted view of what really happens in economics.
McCain And Katrina
McCain has been pretty verbal about his position on the Katrina investigations, but is he being entirely honest?
Wicker And Health Care
Rated 11% by APHA, indicating a anti-public health voting record:
YES on establishing tax-exempt Medical Savings Accounts:
YES on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx drug coverage:
YES on allowing reimportation of prescription drugs:
YES on capping damages & setting time limits in medical lawsuits:
YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients:
YES on denying non-emergency treatment for lack of Medicare co-pay:
NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D:
NO on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility:
NO on allowing tribal Indians to opt out of federal healthcare:
NO on means-testing to determine Medicare Part D premium:
My fellow Mississippians choose your next Senator wisely, your future depends on it!
Antiwar.com Blog · Daniel Pipes: If Obama Wins, Bush Will Attack Iran in November
Something to consider.......the way the the sentiment toward Iran is revving up...this is a very good possibliity.
SunHerald.com : FEMA: No ice after a storm
Another crap on the face of the people of the Gulf South by the government.
Mississippi: Barbour And Medicare
The long-awaited report, the last in a series published over the past several years by the committee, found that Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, in particular, frequently made assertions in the run-up to the war that key intelligence agencies could not substantiate or about which there was substantial disagreement within the intelligence community.
"In making the case for war, the administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even nonexistent," the Committee chairman, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, said on releasing the 172-page report. "As a result, the American people were led to believe that the threat from Iraq was much greater than actually existed."
During the special session, the House proposed a more modest 50-cent increase on the excise tax, combined with an equally modest drop in Barbour’s patient tax, though the Senate and Barbour oppose even that. Seeing no immediate compromise, the House then passed a bill using $90 million from Barbour’s prized $378 million “rainy day” fund if accountants decide Medicaid cuts are needed.
Barbour responded by promising a veto of the rainy day bill.
“[I]nstead of taking up the fair and reasonable solution to fully fund Medicaid passed by the Senate ... the House has voted to use $90 million in one-time money to pay for the recurring expenses of Medicaid. The purpose of this Special Session is to enact a permanent, sustainable solution for Medicaid funding. The nearly 600,000 Mississippians who depend on Medicaid don’t need a one year band-aid, but that’s what the House leadership has given them,” Barbour said in a statement.
The state’s current tobacco tax stands at 18 cents a pack, which generates about $47 million for the state every year, according to American Lung Association of Mississippi Executive Director Jennifer Cofer. Cofer added that Medicaid spends about $264 million on Mississippi residents with smoking-related health issues like lung cancer every year and called the tobacco tax increase logical.
Barbour said he opposes any tax increase in the state until a special tax study committee thoroughly studies the state’s overall tax structure later this year. Politicos predicted that Barbour—who opposes a tobacco tax increase every year lawmakers propose it—would use the tax study to mire a tobacco-tax proposal.
PopMatters Music Feature | Ten Reasons Bo Diddley Is the Forgotten Heavyweight Champion of Rock
AS I have said, IMO, he and Chuck Berry were the fathers of R&R, not some guy with disjointed hips.
Father Of Rock And Roll Dies
With his stocky build and his thick glasses, Bo Diddley didn't look like a typical rock'n'roll star. The rectangular-bodied electric guitar he played didn't look like the instruments other rock'n'rollers played. The beat he favored, which came to be known as the Bo Diddley beat -- three strokes, then a rest, then two more -- was not a typical rock'n'roll rhythm.
But Diddley, who died yesterday at age 79, was one of the architects of rock'n'roll, his influence rivaled only by artists such as Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Fats Domino.
Songs he wrote, like "Who Do You Love?," "Road Runner" and "Mona," are part of the basic rock repertoire, while his 1959 hit "Say Man" -- a series of good-natured insults, traded with percussionist Jerome Green, over a beat -- looked forward a few decades to hip-hop. The Bo Diddley beat has been recycled endlessly, in songs like Buddy Holly's "Not Fade Away," the Who's "Magic Bus," U2's "Desire" and Bruce Springsteen's "She's the One."
Diddley died of heart failure at his home in Archer, Fla., spokeswoman Susan Clary said. He had suffered a heart attack in August, three months after suffering a stroke while touring in Iowa. Doctors said the stroke affected his ability to speak, and he had returned to Florida to continue rehabilitation.
Diddley's pounding, relentless beat, combined with his distorted guitar tone and howling vocals, gave his music a primal quality that made it rank among the deepest blues and the hardest rock.
Diddley was born Ellas Bates in McComb, Miss., but he later was adopted by his mother's cousin and took the name Ellis McDaniel. When he was 5, his family moved to Chicago.
His first instrument was the violin, but he soon switched to guitar and, as a teenager, became a street musician.
He will be sadly missed--his music got an old fart like me through a lot of crap! May he rest in peace.
Lott's Seat Not Secure
Two nonpartisan national political observers with solid track records as students of Mississippi politics say that the Mississippi special election to choose a permanent successor to former U.S. Sen. Trent Lott is now a legitimate horse race.
Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the Rothenberg Political Report and longtime columnist for Roll Call magazine, said on May 20 that the race could no longer be considered "safe for Republicans."
Rothenberg's call came after the release of a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee poll showed former Democratic Gov. Ronnie Musgrove with a 48 percent to 40 percent lead over Republican interim U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker in the race.
"Musgrove benefits from higher name identification, and the race will be close, but the initial numbers are good for the Democrat," Rothenberg said. The DSCC poll showed Musgrove with significantly higher name recognition than Wicker, but that Musgrove had over twice the "unfavorable" rating than did Wicker.
But the same poll showed that in the 1st Congressional District, which Wicker represented before taking the Senate appointment, Wicker leads Musgrove 48 percent to 43 percent. Democrat Travis Childers just defeated Republican Greg Davis in a special election to fill Wicker's seat
"Like the 1st District race, party labels will not appear on the ballot beside Wicker and Musgrove's name, because the November race is technically a special election to fill Republican Trent Lott's seat," Rothenberg wrote. "Even though he (Musgrove) has the lead today, the race is still a difficult one for Musgrove, since the state leans Republican in federal races. But it can no longer be considered safe for the Republicans."
Mississippi Democrats still basking in the glow of Childers' win over Davis believe Musgrove can continue the party's reversal of fortunes in congressional politics. Many Democrats also believe that if Sen. Barack Obama is indeed the Democratic presidential nominee, Musgrove's chances to defeat Wicker are greatly enhanced.
Republicans point to Obama's recent blowout losses in Kentucky and West Virginia as evidence that Wicker can and will hold the seat.
How Will Mississippians Vote?
• Fifty percent of Mississippians favor McCain to 44 percent for Obama.
• Fifty percent of Mississippians said it's more important to get troops home from Iraq than to win; 45 percent say it is more important to win.
• If McCain wins, 53 percent said they believe it is somewhat likely the U.S. will win the war, to 26 percent who believe the same would be true with Obama.
• Ten percent more voters believe Obama is more likely to bring the troops home within a year, the poll found.
• President Bush took 59 percent of the Mississippi vote in 2004, the report said, but today only 42 percent of Mississippians believe he is doing a good or excellent job; 41 percent think he is performing poorly.
Democrats believe they will ride a wave of discontent over the war, the economy and President Bush's job performance into the White House this fall, and that Obama could create record turnout among black voters here.
Members of the state GOP believe no matter whom Democrats nominate, they'll be far to the left of mainstream Mississippi values. In 1976, Jimmy Carter became the last Democrat to carry Mississippi.
• Republican Sen. Thad Cochran is expected to roll to an easy victory over Democrat Erik Fleming, as he leads in the Rasmussen poll 58 to 35 percent.
• Mississippi is still "safely Republican," according to Rasmussen's balance-of-power calculator.
Energy Research Leader
Jobs would be created, good jobs. The state has numerous universities and colleges and they should be in the forefront of the research and production.
Of course to be a leader in this field would take the cooperation of the Legislature and anyone that lives in Mississippi knows what a screaming bunch of do-nothings they are.
We Mississippians should be demanding that more be done, but we seem to worry about the next casino and not the problems that await just over the horizon
Katrina Fraud Still Rampant
So far, investigators from the Consumer Protection Division have made 89 arrests in cases totaling $3 million in losses.
Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood expects the number of cases and arrests to increase.
"The reason it keeps going up is because people will do everything they can to get their house fixed. They'll wait and wait and try to work with the contractor until they finally get frustrated and decide to call us," Hood said.
Among possible charges for those arrested are home-repair fraud, embezzlement, false pretense and wire fraud. Nearly all of those arrested were from outside Mississippi, Hood said.People of the MS Gulf Coast are still being scalped by people that have nothing but contempt for those who have suffered from the devastation of Katrina. The penalty should be the same as those caught looting after the storm...take them out and shoot them! WORD!
Mississippi Remembers
A Mississippi marine was shot and killed over the weekend while conducting combat operations in Afghanistan, according to a press release from the Marine Corps.
Corporal Justin Cooper was a decorated marine who will be greatly missed not only by his family but by the town he called home.
Corporal Cooper's father Alan bought this t-shirt when he saw his son graduate from boot camp three and a half years ago. He found out Monday his son was killed in action serving his country.
"He knew the risks and he took them, but we never expected it to happen. He was good at what he did." Alan says it was his son's decision to go back to iraq a second time and then to Afghanistan.
Corporal Cooper did his job well, receiving seven different decorations for his actions. But he never let on to his family, never wanting them to worry.
"I said son, I know you did something to rank that from your commanders, he said I just did my job daddy that 's all I did," said Cooper.
Flags were lowered to half staff all over Eupora including the high school Cooper graduated. His principal James Mason remembers Cooper having the characteristics even then to be a marine. "He had that demeanor about him and he had that leadership capability about him."
Cooper's father calls his son, simply a hero. "He was naturally my hero when he hit his first little league grand slam. He was my hero when he played senior football and went to the state championship. He sacked the quarterback 19 times in the state championship game, but he has become the world's hero Sunday, and he did it willingly."
And so by all accounts, Justin Cooper was not just a leader in his hometown, at this high school, but a leader on the battle field as well. And now his name will he added to this memorial remembering those who paid the ultimate price.
Insurance Companies Jump On Homeowners
Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney said he has recently approved the "surplus-lines" companies. Surplus-lines companies insure high-risk properties without state regulation of rates or any guaranty in case of insolvency.
They have been active for years in South Mississippi's commercial market, but are now beginning to pick up homeowner customers as well.
The companies are Ironshore, Scottsdale, Republic and Foremost.
Ironshore is offering wind coverage for commercial properties built to code and FEMA elevations.
Scottsdale offers wind coverage to homeowners 2 miles or more from the Mississippi Sound.
Foremost offers wind only for mobile homes in Stone, Pearl River and George counties, a company spokesman said. Foremost policies without wind are available in all six South Mississippi counties for mobile homes and specialty dwellings. A Republic representative could not be reached to comment on its policies, and insurance agents contacted were not familiar with the companyThese companies are basically betting that there will not be another Katrina-like storm for many years. They saw a chance to bolster their profits and make the investors happy. Yes, it is good news that homeowners now have an insurance outlet, but the better news is to the companies that will charge high premiums and pray for a slow and quiet hurricane season.
SunHerald.com : Cities consider cottages
The cities are considering letting these cottages be more than just a stop gap measure. But will they limit where they can be installed?
MS Gulf Coast: Wind v Water
The Mississippi Supreme Court has agreed to decide how an insurance policy should be interpreted in a wind vs. water dispute over Hurricane Katrina claims.
In Corban vs. USAA, Long Beach policyholders argue the insurance company should cover wind damage to their property, regardless of damage caused by water. Water damage is excluded from coverage. USAA and other insurers argue that policy language also excludes coverage for a combination of wind and water.
The Supreme Court is expected to resolve the issue before the case goes to trial in Circuit Court.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has sided with insurance companies, finding that policies bar coverage when wind and water act in sequence to destroy property. The Supreme Court is not bound to follow the federal appellate court's ruling, however, because state law governs insurance contracts.
We will see just how much influence the Insurance companies have over the state Supreme Court. My guess is that it has considerable pull within the state's highest court.
Who Will Be Biloxi's New Mayor?
Mayor A.J. Holloway already showed his hand and announced he wants to keep the job and become a five-term mayor. "I have every intention of continuing to serve the people of Biloxi," he said.
Since Biloxi is a betting town, the wagers around town are that Ward 4 Councilman Mike Fitzpatrick will run for the job along with Ward 2 Councilman Bill Stallworth. Harrison County Supervisor Connie Rockco is still a roll of the dice, since she would have to decide between serving the county or the city.
Other possible candidates are just starting to consider a campaign for mayor, including Andrew "FoFo" Gillich Jr., who ran a close race with Holloway in 2001, and state Rep. Michael Janus, who said "if Mayor Holloway does not run I'll consider tossing my hat into the ring. I'm not going to run against him."
Damn there must be some major benefits to being the mayor of Biloxi (can anyone say casinos).
Miss. Democrat Wins Election--District 1
It happened again Tuesday, as Travis Childers beat Greg Davis in a special election to replace Republican Roger Wicker, who served in the House since 1994 and was appointed to the U.S. Senate to fill the seat vacated by Trent Lott.
Childers' win will give him the chance to over the next several months left in the seat's two-year term to build a fundraising and publicity advantage as he heads into November's general election. He will again face Davis, as well as two other opponents.
Childers' win gave Democrats a 236-199 edge over Republicans in Congress.
Childers stressed his independence, emphasizing his support of gun rights and opposition to abortion. He said his values match those of most voters in the deeply conservative district.
Tom Cole, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said the Mississippi race showed that "Republicans must be prepared to campaign against Democrat challengers who are running as conservatives, even as they try to join a liberal Democrat majority."
MISSISSIPPI: Your Utility Bills Will Increase!
Barbour signed the controversial utility company measure, Senate Bill 2793, which generated much debate among lawmakers in the recent legislative session. Opponents said consumers might be stuck with higher bills even if a power company decides not to go forward with expansions, but the measure does allow the Public Service Commission to require the money to be returned if a power plant falls through. But it's not automatic.
Officials from Mississippi Power Co. said they need a $2 billion continuously operating, coal-burning plant near Meridian in Kemper County, or the company couldn't meet energy needs in the summer of 2013. Raising rates up front is the only way to get the money and the bill was needed to avoid a much higher rate increase later, they said.
How much did the Southern Company pay its investors? How much is the CEO making? My point is they have been showing a steady profit for years, but yet that money cannot be used for the improvements they need.
Mississippians! Have a lovely summer....your fuel costs will be so outrageous that few will get to take the much needed vacation. And staying home with A/C will be a bit more also. Sorry, but you guys voted these pigs into office. Try finding out more about the slugs you vote for.
Still Homeless People From Katrina
As the June 1 deadline for residents to vacate FEMA trailer parks approaches, many are looking to find more permanent homes, but find few affordable options. After five months of searching for a rental house, Tamecca Carter, 37, succeeded and began moving out of her trailer in a north Biloxi FEMA park last week. Carter is moving back to hard-hit east Biloxi, which still faces a long recovery. She'll live on the same street she lived on before the storm.
There are some good news and mostly bad news. But the worst news is that there is plenty of money for people (I use the term very loosely) to build apartments that go unrented or houses that go unsold, and yada yada, but they must depend on volunteers to build houses for those displaced by Katrina.
Ok am I the only one that sees the bullsh*t here? There is sympathy all around for Burma yes it was a terrible thing, but there are people here that need a home. send the money south. Once we are ok then I personally do not give a sh*t where it goes after that. we are talking about Americans here, if the guys in Washington cannot do the job, then throw the bums out and find someone who can.
Richton Salt Dome Revisited
Have you watched the news in Texas where a very large sink hole that has appeared around Daisetta, TX. It is still expanding but for now it is the size of two football fields. Cool, huh? Well not really. You see it appears that this is a salt dome that is collapsing. Think about it!
I ask now, Is it possible that a salt dome may not be the most reliable place to store stuff?
L/Cpl Casey Casanova--R.I.P.
We at Atomic Dog send our heart felt sorrow for the loss of a young woman that had so much to live for. Mississippi will be a less warmer place with the passing of Casey Casanova.
Another Coast Landmark Dies
I can hardly wait.
Will It Be Environmentally Sound?
I was thinking, how could we get more people to recycle? Make it mandatory? That will not do it. Apparently more neighbors need a bit more incentive to do the right thing. But what type of incentive could work to make more participation attractive?
My best idea was to make the incentive be....a break on their trash collection bill for recycling. Since the company makes money on the recyclables, why not give deduction to those that recycle? Their bill would be less and that could generate lots of participation.
The more recyclables the company gets the more money they would make...it seems to be a win-win scenario--more people recycle--there would be less in the landfills--the company would make more money.
This is a simple plan and a productive plan.....should work.
Coast Mass Transit
At a summit on smart growth, Kevin Coggin, executive director of the Coast Transit Authority, said plans call for a trolley system that would run along the beach. Itwould be easy, as the government already owns the beach, he said.
But a light rail system, an idea that came out of the post-Katrina charrettes, is still not cost-effective for a market the size of South Mississippi. It takes a high passenger load to support light rail and the Coast could still be about 30 years from that. But Coggin said officials are pursuing a bus that functions much like a light rail system, with a higher passenger load than a traditional bus.
The shame is that most residents are so addicted to their $ gallon to the mile SUVs that this will not be a reality in my lifetime. Sad.
MS: Time Is Running Out For The Gulfport Library
Time is quickly running out for the library building. Time for all people that want to save the "historical" building to stop forward and voice your opinion. Buildings that are 50 years old and older can be named a landmark, but Baughn said buildings that have significant historical significance also can be landmarks even if they aren't 50. The Gulfport Library is 43 years old. So a push should focus there and there would be the possibility to save the "Grand Old Girl" of Gulfport.
f the demolition goes forward, there are no plans to use the property for a public building...think about that......it is a prime piece of real estate and would bring a hefty sum to the city after the sell. If so it is about the cash and not about the saving of a building that deserves to live.
Mississippi: Jackson County Considers New Insurance
Along with property, wind and liability insurance, Jackson County leaders will take a look Monday at terrorism insurance coverage on the county's 100 buildings. "But if something unforeseen happened and someone blew up the courthouse, how you going to pay for it?" McKay said.The kicker here is that it will have to be terrorism from an agent of a foreign government. That means if Bubba gets pissed up on Old Milwaukee and puts a pipe bomb in the john att he courthouse, it is not considered terrorism. Now I ask, what are the chances that Syria gets two craps in Hell about Jackson County?
The price tag is about $46.000 and I was just thinking that the cash could be better spent on the residents of the county . I know I am just being foolish again, but the people considering this are just being STUPID!
MS: Ocean Springs Condo Experience
The new Guyton Place mixed-use development in Ocean Springs is designed to blend into the downtown and encourage residents to walk to nearby stores and restaurants. Designed by architect Frank Genzer, Guyton Place is an infill development on Porter Avenue between Washington and Jackson streets. Along with 22 residential units is 5,000 square feet of commercial space for sale or lease. Smith said he would like to see a gallery, coffee shop, restaurant and community office space open at the complex. A landscaped courtyard is also planned.
If all goes as well as they think, then this is an excellent idea to help a Coast community to keep its original charm. More should be done along these lines, to include the old Markham Hotal in Gulfport.
SunHerald.com : Puff, puff, puff that last cigarette
This is the follow up to the smoking ban in Gulfport. And yes, you cannot smoke even on the out of doors. I know I really appreciate a/holes taking over my life. How about you?
MS: Gulfport's Smoking Ban
As of today it is unlawful to smoke in public places like bars with food, restaurants, and smoking outside from public buildings will have to be at least 25 feet from any entrance. Now everyone can take a deep breath and enjoy the fact that they have infringed on others pursuit of happiness. But wait, sports fans, smoking is STILL legal in casinos---go figure.
I will say that if a person does not smoke, bully for them, and they must have laws that protect their delicate sensibilities from those mean old smokers. I am so glad that they could do something about those darn smokers, just wish they could find the same set of nuts to do something about drivers on cels, loud obnoxious music, and cops with shaved heads. All of which is just as silly as smokers, except one and that one is just damn moronic.
So citizens of Gulfport my hat is off to your elected officials. Personally, I cannot wait to see what else these people will want to make a no-no. Maybe making it illegal to serve certain foods to fat people will not be such a bad idea, after all.
Mississippi Coast: A Meeting Of The Minds
At the "Ward 2, Ward 3" meeting, citizens will learn about hurricane recovery projects and opportunities. The meeting begins a movement to encourage investment and interaction between neighbors and businesses in the two wards.
Wards 2 and 3 include Old Town, Beach Boulevard and the waterfront to Washington Street, the Depot District, and the stretch of Washington running from the beach to Old Spanish Trail and then back toward Main Street.
As much as anything, organizers see the gathering as a meeting of the minds and a path to the future. Public works projects will be updated and development ideas may be discussed in a variety of areas.
The meeting is open to all comers. Invitations were mailed to property owners of record in the two districts, and to local builder's groups. Representatives of the Main Street program will also attend, "to discuss possibilities of funding for small businesses," Thriffiley said.
Representatives of the Army Corps of Engineers have been invited to give a briefing on the Bay St. Louis seawall project. The Mississippi Department of Transportation is also expected to have a representative on hand to brief residents on the pending Beach Boulevard reconstruction project.
May I suggest that one lives in Bay St. Louis then this meeting should be attended. Ask questions if you do not understand what they are proposing. If you do not attend then you have little say what there politicians are doing to your city.
MS House Bill 919
This is a bit of a waste. Mississippi congressional antics are more for show than for actual progress.With all the bickering and such, the bouncing bills back and forth, maybe the idea of a unicameral body would be a better idea. Would save the state money and the sanity of the people.
Guest Workers Get The Shaft
These workers were used and abused. They were treated like 2nd class citizens and have taken to the picket line. Unfortunately, Mississippi is a right to work state and their concerns will most likely fall on deaf ears.
I support their efforts and will do anything that will help them get the justice they deserve.
Mississippi's Teen Pregnancies
This is Mississippi's answer to trying to stem the rising tide of the state's teen pregnancies. Silly, at best. It goes back to that religious crap. Instead of educating teens on the sexual side of life, they want to preach abstinence and marriage. That has gone a long way to stemming the tide in the past (sarcasm intended).
Hormones will be hormones and they should think of it in that light and stop all this perfect marriage crap and definately stop the abstinence thing--NOT GONNA HAPPEN
Drugs Are Always A Problem
Law enforcement officials met with auditors from the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Inspector General. The Mississippi Department of Public Safety in January asked the federal government to investigate possible misuse of federal grant money by North Central and Tri-County Narcotics Task Force, which operated in Oktibbeha, Clay and Lowndes counties until the state defunded them last year.
While March said the investigation cleared the North Central Task Force, Sam Albritton, executive director of the Division of Public Safety Planning, said the auditors found "deficiencies with the program."
"Poor documentation is leaving an appearance of impropriety," he said.
Albritton said auditors found weak accounting procedures and problems in reconciling the cash vouchers for undercover drug purchases with the daily activity reports filed by agents.
"The whole thing boils down to bookkeeping issues," he said.
Albritton said auditors reviewed 75 sample documents and found problems tracking federal money, including money used to purchase drugs. A written report from the inspector general's office is due next week, he said.
Albritton said the federal probe is continuing and may expand to other task forces. He said auditors next will turn their attention to the Tri-County Task Force, which DPS inspectors recommended not be funded after the unit overbilled for crime lab fees and went over budget for undercover drug buys despite having purchased a relatively small amount of drugs.
DPS officials requested the federal investigation following a dispute with task force members over funding for the 2008 fiscal year. A panel made up of local law enforcement from around the state concurred with the DPS recommendation that North Central be denied funding. The task force had asked for $301,550 in federal money.
A Metro Government
One large city from bridge to bridge. A Metro-plex. Public services would be centralized and all playing on same page. City government would be centralized and decisions for the Coast would not have to be considered by many cities. Grant money could be more easily acquired from the Federal government. Standards from everything from construction to food prep would be standardized.
There are many reasons why it would make good economical sense and it is time for this to be considered again. Especially now with the aftermath of Katrina still sour in the mouths of the residents. Petty jealousies and minor differences are not good reason to kill the effort. The well being and security of ALL Coastians should be the only consideration.
Lott Gets New Gig
This is a cross-post from my other blog, Studies and Observations.
McCain Faults Bush Response to Gulf Storm - New York Times
McCain panders to the voters in the hurricane zone. Everybody that visits the area effected by Katrina and Rite have the same thing to say, "it will never happen again". All I can say is, "we will see".
Mississippi Earth Day
SC684--established Mississippi Earth Day with the words, "celebrate God's creation".
Think the concept is a noble effort, but what does it accomplish? One day of talk and stuff, then back to 364 days of pollution and non-caring. Where does that accomplish anything?
If you are gonna do this type of thing then put some meat to it. Like driving between certain hours illegal or make public transportation free for the day, make water waste illegal and fineable--do something besides talk!
How long has this country been bitching about oil dependence? And all that talk has it gotten us any closer to independence? Earth Day is a wonderful attempt, but why not make it stand for something?
S. MS: SunHerald.com : Katrina museum winning support
I know that we on the Coast get anal sometimes about Katrina, but this area has had 2 of the most destructive hurricanes to ever hit the US. I say that a permanent museum is a good, no an excellent idea. But the only problem will be the it will be politically correct, and that is unacceptable.
Within this museum should have a "Hall of Shame" to include missed opportunities by the government and list of names of those who were defrauding the public. Of course, this will be fought for there will be some names on there that will be embarrassing, but I say screw. If they screwed up during Katrina then let everyone know who they are and what they did, to include those in Washington.
Mississippi Coast Could Lose Another Landmark
Yet more indication of where these political parasites are at. The relocation has nothing to do with the fact that the original location is a prime piece of beach property. And that someone wants it already. There are annexes of the library everywhere and it should be returned to its location.
Hope you fools see what a bunch of phonies your elected officials are. You voted for them and gave them the power to do this. are you happy now?
We should all support, We The People, in their efforts to save our library. They will need all the local support we can give them . Or sit back and bitch and watch the library be lost. Your choice.
Mississippi: When May They Vote Again?
Personally, I think that the process should be a whole lot easier, such as the rights are returned if the person has re-paid society and been clean for 3-5 years. A simple form filled out and a minimal fee and one's rights would be returned.
The process of letting the Legislature is a waste of time, for each person partitioning for their rights is a separate bill. A waste of time and money. We could cut the bill load in half , if all commending and all suffrage requests were put into one bill of each catagory, and dealt with on the last day of a session.
Mississippi never takes the smartest way out when it comes to anything that is race related. This whole process will continue and qualified voters will be eliminated all in the name of that damn stupid Code of 1972.
Katrina Victims Continue To Be Screwed
Katrina victims continue to be screwed by just about everyone. This is a case that needs an outside arbiter. The court system seems determined to make the victims of Katrina the butt of there interference.
MS-01: To Pick a Wicker Clone Or Not?
Voters in the !st District in North Mississippi will go to the polls and decide who will replace Wicker since his move to the Senate. Do tell! Will Mississippi send another Repub to Washington or will they try something different this time?
Mississippi's Moron-Ocracy--Part 3
As a final chapter of the 2008 regular legislative session, chapter 3 is the UGLY, bills and such that were just plain stupid!
HB1096--bill concerned with fighting between dog and hog
HB 314--bill making it illegal for cops to give false info--is that not a law already?
HR 24--reciting the pledge of allegiance--why?
SB 2550--covenant of marriage is between a man and a woman--MS has always been homophobic
Crap! I have lost the Bill number!
The ban of smoking in public places--this is ugly because it can be interpreted in different ways--I foresee some abuse by do nothing politicians.
HB282--,making it illegal to serve certain food to overweight people. This made news everywhere. Showed what a bunch of ignorant slackers out legislature is . Showed the lunacy of the legislation process.
There will most likely be a special session to try and get more stuff done and I will be watching and I will be reporting.
Peace Out My peeps!
Mississippi's Moron-Ocracy
These are bills and such that, IMO, were not the best ideas that could have been pursued.
1--HB375--E85 pumps mandatory at gas station--this is sorta good but mostly bad. Yes it would help the dependency on oil, but it will help increase the price of food stuffs......E85 is not the best way to approach this problem.
2--HB406--phase out corporate income tax
3--HB445--Reduce sales tax on motorcycles--these two are just dumb--this will eliminate much needed funds from the collection process.
4--Hair Braiding Law--this is my fav--best I can say about this is WHY?
But wait! There is more!
SC685--Mississippi Law Day--honor the rule of law. Why? It is the Law! Ha!
HB1507--The city of Vicksburg has contracted the state of Louisiana to house municipal prisoners. Does that mean that LA does not have a crowding prob in their prisons? Or is it the cash? You decide.
These are not all the bad bills just the ones that I saw and wanted to comment on. I am sure others have different views but I like mine better...HA!
But the biggest waste of time and money is the endless commending people, teams, and other such nonesense. Yes these stuff needs to be recognized, but put it all in one bill and handle it on the last day, the very last thing. Same goes for returning suffrage to people. Stop! Make all one bill and handle it as such.
Tomorrow we get Part 3--the UGLY the final chapter in the saga of Mississippi stupidity.
Mississippi's Moron-Ocracy
Years ago I wrote an editorial for a now defunct weekly called the Gulfport Star-Journal, about the Mississippi Legislature and I thought it was a good time to resurrect that thought.
This will be a 3 part post entitled The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
The Mississippi Legislature had a few really good bills, at least in my opinion.
HB8--would outlaw driving while using a cell phone
HR31--Funds for a museum for Sam Cooke
HB57--Restrict lobbying until 4 yrs after leaving the government service
HB216--create a civil rights division within the Attorney General's office
HB453--Compulsory education law
HB543--create an open primary for the state of MS
HB684--create curbside voting for the handicapped
HB1151--create a paper voting trail
HB1496--repeal sale tax on hurricane supplies
These are bills that I thought showed that Mississippi was at least becoming more concerned with the affairs of the people. Most of these failed, but at least these were tried and a possibility that they could be successful next session.
But the biggest disappointment was the failure of HR 13--the Worker's Bill Of Rights, for once Mississippi was showing concern for the workers, but unfortunately it died in committee. And HB9 was another workers defeat, it would have made 28 April, the Worker's Memorial Day, which would have brought attention to workers safety and those who have died.
These were great ideas and excellent tries---BETTER LUCK NEXT SESSION!
Next post will be The Bad. This will be the bills and such that were not so good
Legal Services For The Poor
A hearing Friday evening before the Mississippi Access to Justice Commission, created by the state Supreme Court, showed that most residents at or below the poverty level are shut out of the civil legal system. The Gulfport hearing was the first planned for each of Mississippi's congressional districts.
The hearings are designed to gather statistics and information that show the need for change, Supreme Court Justice Jess Dickinson told the audience.
"It's at crisis proportions in our Chancery Court," said Judge Margaret Alfonso, who said poor parents are without representation when the courts decide whether their children should be removed from the home because abuse or neglect has been alleged.
Although legal issues have grown more complex, federal funding for legal services has decreased. The Mississippi Center for Legal Services received $7 million in 1995 but only $5 million last year. A staff of 31 attorneys serves 82 counties.
One suggestion was a better system of coordinating free, or pro bono, work offered by private attorneys. Mississippi attorneys are now asked to offer 20 pro bono hours a year, or contribute $200 toward legal services. Publicizing contact numbers for legal resources also was discussed. Participants said access to the courts also could be improved by simplifying some procedures so non-lawyers could handle them.
The poor in Mississippi have for too long been denied legal services and this attemot should go further, but it is a start to change the fact that justice in the state is a bit one sided.
HR13/HC9--Less Than Honorable Death
HC9--Worker's Memorial Day--28 April, for the observation of workers that have died on the job and to help bring attention to workplace safety--died in committee.
I was hoping that Mississippi would wake up and join the 21st century, I was mistaken. It will always be a right to work state where the workers are nothing more than a tool to be used til broke and by a new one.
A New Coast Tax
Xavier Bishop said the police department is one of several municipal buildings near the waterfront that must move out of the flood zone.
"The plans are for the municipal building currently downtown to be relocated. That includes the current police station," Bishop said.
Ok people think about this...your tax dollars are paying for a war...a stupid war.....all the while the infrastructure is suffering from a lack of funds. Now the people must pay higher taxes to do something that should be a program of domestic relief for the states.
If you vote for someone that will keep the war going, then I sincerely hope that you enjoy paying your higher taxes for services that should already be funded.
Peace and Out!
More Good News
A bill giving power companies the ability to raise rates to help pay for new multibillion-dollar power plants before they are built cleared the Legislature on Wednesday and is headed to the governor.
Utility companies asked for Senate Bill 2793, but those against the plan had said consumers could be stuck with higher bills even if a power company decides not to go forward with expansions. The version of the bill passed Wednesday does allow the Public Service Commission to require the money to be returned to ratepayers if a power plant plan falls through, but it's not automatic.
Now ask yourself, how much profit was made by these companies and why should they make us pay for something we have to have. Why cannot these companies pay for their own construction. I nor you get that benefit. But then we are not a wealthy company that pays the legislators to do their bidding.
You need to speak up! And speak up NOW!
America should invest in the 'front side of life' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Jesse Jackson
Jesse has made some good points about the future and what needs to be done. I may not be one of his most loyal supporters, but I will give him his props.
No Smoking In Mississippi
To be honest, I am really pissed at these damn women that cannot drive without talking on a cel, but the government of the state cannot prevent this. Why? And the state cannot make it mandatory that these idiot children stay in school. Why? Could it be that it is an infringement on the rights? That is just FUNNY!
Mississippi And The Right To Work
Here are a few things about the so-called right-to-work policies of most Southern states.
Just a few of the benefits for the corporations and the bane of the workers in the state of Mississippi.
MS Senator Is Tops!
Special interests always get their money and usually with the help of elected officials. Thank you Sen Cochran, you have put Mississippi first, finally.
What War Costs Mississippi
Taxpayers in Mississippi will pay $1.8 billion for the cost of the Iraq War through 2007. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:
399,174 People with Health Care OR









Now where do you think the money should have been spent?
Casinos For Jackson County
Senate Bill 2199 gives tax breaks to casinos, but also restricts casinos to those counties in which gaming currently exists.
"Permitting only select communities to prosper from casinos lends favor to those communities creating an environment of haves and have-nots," Moss Point Mayor Xavier Bishop wrote in a letter to Gov. Haley Barbour on Thursday. "Imagine the state legislating which communities could have Wal-Marts?"
It should ALWAYS be up to the people to decide if they want the casinos or not. Any legislation contrary to that is not truly democratic. But will the Governor do the right thing? How much money will be involved?WORD!
Casinos Win Again
The casinos have lots of friends in Mississippi and most of them are your reps in the state legislature. They will now get more tax cuts for building anything not casino related. Now we will see just how much more they give the Coast with the ability to keep more of the cash.
The bill was part of a deal between the House and Senate. The Senate, which has a large anti-casino faction, agreed to the incentives package. The House, where there is more support of casino gambling, agreed to pass the Senate's moratorium on casino counties.
House Bill 1196, offered by Rep. Diane Peranich, D-Pass Christian, provides tax breaks to casinos that invest more than $10 million on non-gambling developments. It covers theme parks, water parks, cultural or historical centers, motor speedways or other large, non-gambling tourist attractions. The bill would also provide incentives for hotel investments of more than $40 million, as well as golf courses with investments of more than $10 million.
Sen. Billy Hewes, R-Gulfport, Sen. Tommy Gollott, R-Biloxi, and Sen. David Baria, D-Bay St. Louis, championed the bill in the Senate Wednesday. They sparred with Sen. Gary Jackson, R-Kilmichael, who is a Baptist pastor, as well as Sen. Hob Bryan, D-Amory, and Sen. Alan Nunnelee, R-Tupelo.Hewes said the incentives plan would allow a casino group to take advantage of incentives already offered to other businesses through past legislation that excluded casinos. The bill would allow a casino to recoup up to 30 percent of the project's value over a 10-year period, by giving it access to a percentage of the sales tax the project creates. Coast senators said the incentives would likely cause much investment on attractions in the state from casino groups.
We will see just what they will do with the tax money they do not have to pay and that the state needs to cover the cost of "real" programs that benefit ALL Mississippians.
Barbour's Tax Study Proposal
Barbour said state and federal taxes, as well as local taxes, figure into the discussion, and commission members would remember that as they work on the code.
"We have to keep that in mind as we work to have a system that is fair to all Mississippians, generates the amount of money we need to run our state government and is pro-job creation and pro-economic growth," Barbour said.
Barbour promised on the campaign trail last year he'd look into tax changes. It was his answer to criticism about his vetoing - twice - a bill that would have cut grocery taxes and raised cigarette taxes.
Barbour's political opponents, primarily the House Democratic leadership, has said he would likely champion pro-business tax breaks rather than those to help lower-income Mississippians. They said the state's taxes are already considered "regressive" toward those of modest means.
These proposals have almost always favored business over Mississippians and now the people are told that this one is different, that it will take into consideration of growth with jobs. This is bovine fecal matter. It will be about tax cuts to attract more corporations to the state. BTW, tax cuts creates few jobs and the ones that are lucky enough to have one it will be a short lived job.
I jus hope Mississippians have finally opened their eyes to lies and misdirections, but I am probably just having wishful thoughts.
They Did What?
I say, if they must get a pay raise, then make it contingent on results. If they do not show any results then they get NO pay raise. And it there particular area of expertise shows a decline, then they lose 10% of their existing salary.
Mississippi cannot progress to the future if the elected officials are a drag on the system. This is where the emphasis should be, no progress no salary increase.
Whose Annexation?
The idea was defeated by 3-2 vote. The city has not totally recovered from Katrina and had annexed some territory just after the storm. Why would this be a good idea, to try and put a further drain on the limited resources of the city by trying to suck up more land?
The question I would ask is, What are the benefits of this proposed annexation? Who would benefit the most from such a move? Sorry. but this propose smells of personal gain more than concern for the future of the city.
Never approve of something without checking out the motivations. Sometimes it is more for personal gain than the city's gain.
Save The Markham!
I think the city ought to find a way to save the Markham and turn it into shops and affordable loft apartments. Something that would help save the ambiance of old town Gulfport.
The damn casinos have brought enough glitz, let us save the soul of the city.
Mississippi & Immigration
Here is the really good part. Any illegal alien arrested in Mississippi will serve a sentence of one year. Really good! There is massive overcrowding in the penal system in the state, where does pee brain think they will be housed?
This is typical of Republicans, they have ideas but no way to put them into action. all this does is make Barbour look like he is doing something about the illegal alien problem, when in reality he is just creating even more problems for the penal system of Mississippi. Kinda like trying to put a hand held cork into a broken levee.
Mississippi Speaks
GULFPORT -- In Tuesday's primaries, Sen. Hillary Clinton won four of six South Mississippi counties, but Sen. Barack Obama won the state.
Obama won Jackson and Harrison Counties, and Clinton claimed victories in Hancock, George, Stone and Pearl River Counties. The Mississippi primary was called for Obama less than an hour after polls closed, capping off about a week of intense campaigning across the Magnolia State.
Heading into the elections most of the forecasts had Obama winning easily. The Associated Press reported nine in 10 black voters went for Obama, and three-fourths of white voters picked Clinton.
Marty Wiseman, executive director of the John C. Stennis Institute of Government at Mississippi State University, said Mississippi followed the trend in the other Deep South states and voted for Obama. The Illinois senator has won many small states; the larger ones have mostly gone to Clinton.
Wiseman said the intense campaign here got a lot of positive publicity for the state, and he believes it will continue, as a presidential debate will be held at the University of Mississippi this fall.
"We got some good time in the media for four or five days," Wiseman said. "I have talked to no end to journalists and media types who said they were surprised at how much the state had changed since they were here last."
Wiseman said he doesn't believe the Democratic race will be settled in Pennsylvania, the site of the next primary, where 158 proportional delegates are up for grabs, unless Obama wins big there. Early polls show Clinton leading in Pennsylvania.
But the race could be settled if Michigan and Florida are ordered to redo their primaries, Wiseman said.
Clinton, who campaigned hard in Mississippi, enlisting the help of her husband as well as her daughter, fell a little deeper in the hole Tuesday. She had gained new life last week with primary victories in Texas and Ohio. By Mississippi's elections Tuesday both candidates had started to campaign in Pennsylvania, where they will battle for six weeks until the vote.
At press time Obama had gathered 20 of Mississippi's 33 delegates in unofficial reports. In the overall delegate count Obama leads 1,402 to 1,240.
Obama had about 59 percent of the vote in the state as some precincts were still being counted at press time.
Harrison County saw good turnout; nearly 18,000 voted in the presidential primary Tuesday, compared with a little more than 3,200 in 2004. Tuesday's elections ran smoothly, Circuit Clerk Gayle Parker said.
Turnout seemed to be light in Hancock County, but many there voted for Clinton. Hancock County elections officials said one precinct where normally about 1,800 voters show up only produced 300 ballots Tuesday.
In Jackson County, where turnout was relatively high, Obama won by nearly 2,000 votes.
The Riverfront Community Center in downtown Moss Point is one of 12 polling places in the city and by 4:30 p.m. more than 500 people had voted, most of them Democrat. Poll workers Karen Fountain and Ada Street considered it a strong turnout and pointed to the fact that the after-work crowd was just beginning to come in.
Donald Richardson, in his shipyard overalls, voted right after work.
"I think it's time for a change in America," Richardson said, "whether it be a black president or a woman, we need it."
Mississippi Yearning
But the questions should be, will Mississippi jump to Obama or slither to Clinton? my money is on the Obama one. Why? 70% of registered Democrats in the state arre black and that gives the edge to Obama. But yet Clinton, Bill not Hil, was very popular with the black voters of the state. Does not matter! Obama gets my nod. The excitement of the primary is spilling over to all ages, but the young seem to be more energized than any.
Come Tuesday we will see if the Mississippi voter will cast their vote for issues, gender ot race.
Mississippi's Re-elected Governor
Here let us look at his positions on issues. The website On The Issues keeps track of where elected officials stand on the issues and their voting records.
Abortion--Protect the rights of the unborn.
Budget--Pay off $700M deficit with no new taxes
Drugs--Wrong time to cut drug enforcement spending.
Gun Control--Protect the rights of gun owners.
Health Care--Shift state some Medicaid recipients to federal Medicare.
Tax reform--I am against raising anybody's taxes.
Now here are the issues that no one has Barbour's position on.
Civil Rights
Families & Children
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt Reform
Homeland Security
Social Security
Welfare & Poverty
Now ask yourself just how enlightened can the voter in Mississippi when they re-elect a person with NO stands on vital issues.
John McCay For US Congress
I am a proud member of the Armed Forces. I have proudly served as a Chaplain in the United States Air Force Reserve and now in the Mississippi Air National Guard.
We should support our military men and women and ensure they have the best equipment and support to carry out their missions. The Military installations in
When I see
We must protect the rights of those who cannot stand up for themselves!
In addition to the changes that I propose it is obvious the current tax system is unfair and too complicated and must be replaced. The tax burden on Americans is entirely too heavy and hard working families should be able to keep more of their money. The fair tax is a perfect transition because it will replace the Internal Revenue Code with a consumption tax. I believe this will benefit all Americans. Under the fair tax system, the IRS will be abolished.
I support making the Bush tax cuts permanent and believe the estate tax should be eliminated.
These are the only issues he has apparently. it was the only ones I could find. With this limited positions for the people to relate to; he should be NO threat to Taylor's re-election.
Election Time In Mississippi
- Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record.
- Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance
- Rated 20% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record.
- Rated 0% by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance.
- Rated 56% by NAACP, indicating a mixed record on affirmative-action.
Rated 47% by the US COC, indicating a mixed business voting record.
- Rated 10% by CURE, indicating anti-rehabilitation crime votes. (Dec 2000)
- Rated 88% by the NCJA, indicating a "tough-on-crime" stance.
Rated -20 by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance.
- Supports requiring schools to allow prayer.
- Rated 50% by the NEA, indicating a mixed record on public education.
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer.
- Balance fossil fuels and viable renewable energy.
- Rated 83% by the CAF, indicating support for energy independence.
Rated 50% by the LCV, indicating a mixed record on environment.
Rated 76% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-family voting record
Free Trade:
Rated 28% by CATO, indicating a pro-fair trade voting record.
Gun Control:
Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record.
Health care:
ated 44% by APHA, indicating a mixed record on public health issues.
Homeland Security:
Rated 44% by SANE, indicating a mixed record on military issues.
- Rated 0% by FAIR, indicating a voting record loosening immigration. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 92% by USBC, indicating a sealed-border stance.
Rated 87% by the AFL-CIO, indicating a pro-union voting record.
Social Security:
Rated 90% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record.
Tax Reform:
- Rated 40% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes.
- Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation.
More Jobs For Mississippi
Mississippi is a right to work state and that probably played a major role in the decision to bring the final construction of the plane to the Coast. I am sure that some flowering statement about the Coast will be issued and passed onto the media. And the media will do its part to hype the BS.
Money will be made off this endeavor. But unfortunately, it will not improve the working conditions of the people, just make more money for those with all the money anyway.
US Rep. Gene Taylor
Health issues:
Ban abortion pill--yes
min. wage increase--yes
union bill--no
gay employment bill--no
timeline for war--no
economic stimulus--no
US-Peru trade agreement--no
Farm bill--yes
Alternate minimum tax--no
Other legislation:
Xmas and Christianity bill--yes
Hate Crimes Act--no
There are the bills that were important to me....so how did Taylor do? By my standards, he is mediocre at best. By his vote he has little toleration for gays, or abortion rights. He does seem to stand well on labor, and has taken a stand against civil rights especially with the FISA bill. I will continue to monitor his voting record.
There are others in Washington, but he is the only one that I truly care about. OK we have a Senator Thad Cochran. I would review his record but why, he is boring, unimpressive and a follower and now he is the senior senator from Mississippi, will he he be more verbal now that he cannot hide behinf Lott? We will see.
A Waste Of Time
But the biggest waste of time is that at every meeting they commend somneone or name a highway or such worthless stuff. Personally, there should be a bill or something that will make this type of waste on the last day of the session and it should include all this pandering to one bill with a section for each thing. They vote on this the very last thing and then they leave. But to make a bill for every little thing is just a waste of time and money and needs to be eliminated.
Mississippi State Lottery
This measure will surely die in the legislature, because casinos are against it, because it would diminish their profits. There are many law makers who owe everything to the casinos, so I feel that it has no future.
Note: I have been searching for the bill number and the actions that it is receiving, so far I have been unsuccessful, but the search continues. Updates will be forthcoming.
MS Legislature: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
Many years ago I wrote an op-ed for a local newspaper, The Gulfport Star-Journal, entitled "Mississippi's Moronocracy". I will continue my observations from this session onward. apparently, nothing changes in the Mississippi legislature. The citizens of the state are still governed by morons.
Please watch for the post, it promises to be both informative and humorous.
FISA Vote For Mississippi
I will be watching Mississippi's representatives for their votes. And will in turn report on their activities. We, as Mississippians, need to keep track of these fools and make them responsible for their votes.
Did the Senators vote the way that Mississippians think or were they just part of the gential massage of Bush? We will find out!
Could Mississippi Have An Influence?
Ok then who would McCain pick as his running mate. How about Lieberman? No, he is a proven election loser and will not be considered. Ok, hoiw about Bloomberg? I do not see mike bloomberg settling for second banana; his ego would not allow it. Then who Professor? lots of speculation have been flying around the blogsphere. Hagel, is probably the most frequently mentioned in the list that contains the names mentioned above.
OK, what does this all have to do with Mississippi? A good question. Well I want to offer a suggestion for McCain to consider for his choice of VP. Why not Haley Barbour? The governor has a massive list of qualifications. He is a staunch conservative, something McCain needs to get their support. He is the former head of the GOP, it would give McCain a boost among conservs. He is a high priced lobbyist, access to the monied few. He is the hero of Katrina (IMO, not deserved) which would boost McCain's standing with the Gulf Coast. And he is a Southern, that will be a big plus in the coming election, to help McCain secure that evangelical vote.
So Barbour, IMO, is the best choice for the position of VP for John McCain, his qualifications are immense.
But there is one more reason that I think he would be perfect as a VP. It would get him out of the state. I know Barbour, I met him years ago when he was running for the US Congress. I am not one of his fans and to get him out of the state would be a favor to me and i would appreciate it hugely. Mississippi needs new leadership. The good old boys tactics of the past are just that the past. Mississippi needs to move into the 21st century.
The Fat Get No Food
This is the lamest and the most worthless piece of legislative work I have ever read. At what point does the government draw the line at interfering in a persons life? This is trying to legislate good eating habits? Where is that written that this is the government's job? Where does it say they have the right to interfere?
Personally, I think that this is a prejudice against overweight people. For some reason these idiots do not like seeing these people in public. This is NOT a legislative subject and should be handled differently. I suggest the people of Mississippi pay attention, for if this passes what will be their next control they will want to have.
The Sad Thing About A Mississippi Primary
Then we move on to the Repubs. By the time it comes to the state, the nominee will mostly likely already be known and their would be no need to vote for the vote will be useless. It will just be a contest to see which one gets the delegates.
Sad that Mississippi is just in it for the delegates, the voters has NO real say in anything about the process. Mississippi needs to get its crap together and do some soul searching. Does it want to be part of the "real" contest or just a spectator that has nothing to do with the election process. Personally, I want to see Mississippi become a major player in this process. we have been at the bottom of most lists in the US, it is time to move up and make them look at Mississippi as the great state it is.
Civil Rights in Mississippi
Does that mean that abuses in the past were not given the attention they deserved? Of course, it will be spun differently, but IMO, that is exactly what was happening. Mississippi is still suffering from massive civil rights violations. recently a black man was killed by deputies of the Harrison County Sheriff's Dept. And finally, the family was awarded a settlement for wrongful death. But here is the kicker--land owners will be paying for this violation with higher property taxes.
The people of Mississippi need to be more informed. For centuries, the people of the state have been lead around by their noses by rich influential people. The sad part is they seem to like it. An informed electorate is essential for a democratic government--Mississippi is missing that goal completely.
FYI--if you want to check out the creation of the AG's civil rights div--it is HB216--in the state legislature.
Mississippi Code of 1972
§ 97-29-11. Illegitimate children; person becoming natural parent of second illegitimate child; jurisdiction. | |||
(1) If any person, who shall have previously become the natural parent of an illegitimate child within or without this state by coition within or without this state, shall again become the natural parent of an illegitimate child born within this state, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days or by a fine of not more than Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00), or both. A subsequent conviction hereunder shall be punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than three (3) months nor more than six (6) months or by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or both. Provided, however, that for the purpose of this section, multiple births shall be construed to be the birth of one (1) child. | ||||
(2) The circuit court of the county in which said illegitimate child is born shall have jurisdiction of any action brought under this section. No male person shall be convicted solely on the uncorroborated testimony of the female person giving birth to the child. |
Blog Archive
- Bill Passes To Prevent Medicaid Cuts
- Democrats predicting November win
- FEMA Denies Asssistence
- SunHerald.com : Handsboro school site will get marker
- Gulfport Library May Be Saved
- Wicker Runs Scared
- Z Magazine - Mississippi’s SB 2988
- SunHerald.com : Gulfport job outlook 8th-best in n...
- SunHerald.com : Teachers brush up on economics
- McCain And Katrina
- Wicker And Health Care
- Antiwar.com Blog · Daniel Pipes: If Obama Wins, Bu...
- SunHerald.com : FEMA: No ice after a storm
- Mississippi: Barbour And Medicare
- PopMatters Music Feature | Ten Reasons Bo Diddley ...
- Father Of Rock And Roll Dies
- Lott's Seat Not Secure
- How Will Mississippians Vote?
- Energy Research Leader
- Katrina Fraud Still Rampant
- Mississippi Remembers
- Insurance Companies Jump On Homeowners
- SunHerald.com : Cities consider cottages
- MS Gulf Coast: Wind v Water
- Who Will Be Biloxi's New Mayor?
- Miss. Democrat Wins Election--District 1
- MISSISSIPPI: Your Utility Bills Will Increase!
- Still Homeless People From Katrina
- Richton Salt Dome Revisited
- L/Cpl Casey Casanova--R.I.P.
- Another Coast Landmark Dies
- Will It Be Environmentally Sound?
- Coast Mass Transit
- MS: Time Is Running Out For The Gulfport Library
- Mississippi: Jackson County Considers New Insurance
- MS: Ocean Springs Condo Experience
- SunHerald.com : Puff, puff, puff that last cigarette
- MS: Gulfport's Smoking Ban
- Mississippi Coast: A Meeting Of The Minds
- MS House Bill 919
- Guest Workers Get The Shaft
- Mississippi's Teen Pregnancies
- Drugs Are Always A Problem
- A Metro Government
- Lott Gets New Gig
- McCain Faults Bush Response to Gulf Storm - New Yo...
- Mississippi Earth Day
- S. MS: SunHerald.com : Katrina museum winning sup...
- Mississippi Coast Could Lose Another Landmark
- Mississippi: When May They Vote Again?
- Katrina Victims Continue To Be Screwed
- MS-01: To Pick a Wicker Clone Or Not?
- Mississippi's Moron-Ocracy--Part 3
- Mississippi's Moron-Ocracy
- Mississippi's Moron-Ocracy
- Legal Services For The Poor
- HR13/HC9--Less Than Honorable Death
- A New Coast Tax
- More Good News
- America should invest in the 'front side of life' ...
- No Smoking In Mississippi
- Mississippi And The Right To Work
- MS Senator Is Tops!
- What War Costs Mississippi
- Casinos For Jackson County
- Casinos Win Again
- Barbour's Tax Study Proposal
- They Did What?
- Whose Annexation?
- Save The Markham!
- Mississippi & Immigration
- Mississippi Speaks
- Mississippi Yearning
- Mississippi's Re-elected Governor
- John McCay For US Congress
- Election Time In Mississippi
- More Jobs For Mississippi